Thursday 13 September 2018 is R U OK? Day. It’s a day when everyone is encouraged to reach out to someone close to them and ask, ‘are you OK?’ 

Staying connected and having meaningful conversations is something we can all do. You don’t need to be an expert – just a good friend and a great listener. So, if you notice someone who might be struggling, start a conversation. Because it could change their life.

And, it’s not only something you should do one day per year. It’s something you can do everyday. Be a part of making our community more caring and compassionate.

If you’re not sure how to do it, here are four simple steps you can follow.

  1. Ask: be friendly, brave and ask the question if someone close to you appears to be struggling.
  2. Listen: take what they say seriously and listen without judgement.
  3. Encourage action: ask more questions and make suggestions. If they don’t want to open up, respect their decision.
  4. Check in: stay in touch regularly and see if they’re making progress.

The R U OK? website has lots of resources and tips to empower you to start conversations and to encourage action in polite, positive and productive ways.

Some conversations are too big for friends and family to take on alone. That’s why it’s important to encourage people who are really down to connect with expert support. If you or someone you know needs help, reach out to Deakin’s Counselling and Psychological Support (CAPS) service (it’s free and confidential), Beyond Blue or Headspace.

Happiness webinar

For inspiration ahead of R U OK? Day, you’re invited to a webinar about happiness, mindfulness and wellbeing on Wednesday 12 September 2018. Presented by Deakin alumna and Paralympian Dr Hannah MacDougall (Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Commerce), the webinar will explore practical ways to improve your happiness based on her research into wellbeing, as well as her experiences as an elite athlete. Learn more and register now.


This post first appeared in Deakin Life, 3 Sept 2018.


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