Internships for PhD students

APR  Intern  (Australian  Postgraduate  Research  Intern,  formerly  AMSI  Intern)  places  currently enrolled PhD students from all research disciplines and from all Australian Universities into industry partner organisations, to work on 3‐5‐month research projects for industry partners.

PhD student (interns) are paid a stipend of $3000 per month for the duration of the internship,  and  are  mentored  by  an  academic.  Academic  mentors  receive  a  $5,500  research grant. Universities can claim recognition for the student stipend and academic research grant.

The APR intern program  is  designed  to  benefit  both  Australian research and Industry Partners operating in Australia. APR  Intern aims  to improve the work‐readiness  of highly‐skilled,  Australian  postgraduate students and directly engages them in a research capacity in an Australian industry  context.  Ultimately,  this increases Australia’s research  translation  and  Australia’s global competitiveness by providing a platform for industry to work more innovatively by engaging the capacity of Australian research and researchers.

Interns complete a tightly‐focused, 3‐5 month (full time equivalent) research project. Interns may work full‐time on a project, or can work less than full‐time and may extend the duration of a project, subject to negotiation with the industry partner.

Projects need not be directly related to a PhD student’s thesis or research topic. Projects must apply research (to add to knowledge) in an industry context. This can but doesn’t necessarily require traditional academic outputs (such as paper publications). The PhD intern is given a chance to conduct research under real‐world constraints that don’t normally exist within academia, but which do normally exist outside academia.

More information on APR Intern is available at their website

Eligibility and rules for Deakin students are detailed here and in the HDR Placement Guidelines

Deakin Research post APR Intern opportunities on their Facebook account: Deakin University: Higher Degrees by Research

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