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July 3, 2024

Library Research News: July Edition

In this issue

New library research services model coming soon

We will soon roll out new and improved services to researchers as part of our renewed services model. This new service model is the culmination of over a year of work, including environmental scans of existing research services and industry best practices, and extensive consultation with the Deakin research community.

The new service model strengthens the library’s position as a partner to researchers at the intersection of research and information science. Our team of Scholarly Services Librarians bring discipline-specific expertise to the delivery of library research services, including:

Over the next 18 months, you will see several improvements to our services, such as:

Our vision is to pioneer a transformative service model that embodies a partnership between the research community and Deakin Library at the intersection of research and information science. We envision a future where every Deakin researcher can navigate the complex and evolving landscape of scholarly communication, supported by the discipline-specific expertise of our librarians. We aspire to a scholarly communication ecosystem that is open, sustainable, and just.

View a complete list of services for researchers in the Library Service Catalogue.

To access library research services, please navigate to Research via the Library website or contact your Librarian.

New finance spend category and expense item for open access publishing

If you handle Article Processing Charge (APC) payments for open access publishing within your faculty or school, please ensure you use the “Publishing Open Access” expense items. Late last year the library introduced a new finance spend category and expense item specifically for Publishing Open Access:

Your cooperation helps us accurately track and report on open access expenditures.

The introduction of these codes is helping the Open Access Taskforce to track and understand open access spending across the university, separate from other publishing costs.

Hot tip: Have you tried Sage Research Methods?

What is Sage Research Methods and how can it help me with my research?

Sage Research Methods is an online resource with tools to assist in your research, including definitions, teaching datasets, case studies, and video tutorials.

It provides information about research design, methods and concepts, conducting and writing research projects, as well as identifying various methodologies. You can browse by discipline or search across the site, such as datasets, cases, etc.

Be sure to check out the tools available, including the Methods Map, which is designed to help you understand the relationships between method concepts.

How do I access it?

Access Sage Research Methods with your Deakin account.

Events coming up: Next round of Individual Learning Plan Workshops scheduled

The library offers a series of online workshops for HDR student’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP), part of Deakin’s PhD Xtra program. The ILP program enables research students to engage in training opportunities and document their learning.

The library is offering the following online workshops in the second half of the year.

Sessions are open to all Deakin HDRs. Registration details are available on the Library events page.


Library Research News is a monthly publication from the library, publishing library-related news for Deakin researchers. To stay in the loop, please subscribe to Article or access our latest issue via Research Matters.

To access library research services, please contact your librarian or navigate to Research via the library website. The library’s team of Scholarly Services Librarians bring discipline-specific expertise related to the following key areas:

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