The “Inhabitants” (the project team Roetzel, DeKay, Nakai Kidd, Zinkiewicz, Klas from the 2018 Faculty funded research Grant Scheme project “An Integral Sustainable Design approach to human inhabitation of architectural spaces“) ran a successful data collection workshop in March 2018 with Mark Dekay and Susanne Bennett who joined the School as visiting scholars. This allowed the Deakin based project team from the School of Architecture and Built Environment as well as the School of Psychology to collaborate with Mark on this project.
The data collection workshop involved the recording of participant’s subjective experiences of an architectural space using wearable cameras, measurements of indoor environmental parameters, semi-structured interviews, and architectural analysis of the case study spaces. The data analysis is in progress, and outcomes so far are preliminary results as well as a first proposal for an all quadrant all levels (AQAL) proposal for human inhabitation of architectural spaces, to be presented at the Integral European Conference in May 2018 in Hungary.