Welcome to Deakin University’s WordPress blogging service.
WordPress is a market-leading blogging platform that enables your faculty or portfolio to build a community, disseminate information, learn new digital technologies and keep up to date with relevant information. WordPress powers nearly one in five websites in the world and is widely used in business and industry.
You can browse through some of the blogs that available here through the ‘Browse Deakin blogs’ link.
What Deakin’s blogging service provides
This service is provided as a ‘low touch’ service with the following network statistics to illustrate the current service provision however, for more information on the scope of this service offering, please read the ‘What can we offer?’ page.
Websites on the Deakin University Blogs network.70%
80 Public blogs30%
35 Private blogs127872
Registered users*
The Deakin University Blogs network currently powers 115 websites with registered 127872 users.
* Registered users refers to user accounts within the blogs.deakin.edu.au domain and does not indicate visitor statistics. For a more comprehensive review refer to Google Analytics
Managing access to your blog
The Choosing the access settings for your blog page can help you to decide how you would like your blog to be used.
Assessing and requesting plugins
The Requesting a WordPress plugin page outlines the process you need to follow if you would like plugins assessed and potentially installed,