Items with category:Uncategorized

What’s on show at the Melbourne Education Show?

Rebecca Cairns, Michiko Weinmann and Elvie Tamata   The Education Show that accompanies the National Education Summit is an annual exhibition event held in Melbourne and Brisbane in June. As first-time visitors we were interested to see what was being spruiked as “the latest innovations in the education section” (The Education Show, 2024). Given the […]

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Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of international comparative research in early childhood studies

Karen Guo Reviewing early childhood studies research The field of early childhood studies (ECS) is experiencing a transformative shift with the rise of international comparative (IC) research. Fuelled by foundational efforts from international agencies, this growth has significantly altered our understanding of children’s learning, teaching pedagogy, and early childhood curricula. As international comparative research flourishes, […]

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