Exploring the relationships between critical reflection and teacher agency
Tom Mahoney
TCAP HDR members reflect on the graphic recording of their projects
It was a privilege to have the opportunity to share my research with Sarah Firth. Sarah was able to distill the core essence of my research, which aims to explore the relationship between critical reflection on educational ideologies and teacher agency, along with a number of the key concepts, into very relatable visuals. Beginning with imagery of the inseperable link between teaching and values, Sarah showed how the current hegemony in Australia (represented as a mighty hand declaring reality) can become repressive for teachers and their subjectivity. I particularly appreciated her representation of emancipation, represented by a teacher flying out of a box (it does feel a bit like that!). It has been encouraging to have a number of people (often family members!) comment that they now have a clearer understanding of the focus and purpose of my PhD, which at times can be difficult to translate in conversation. I look forward to utilising this graphic when presenting my work with others and also as a point of reflection to return back to throughout the duration of my PhD.

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