Patient Information Sheet
About Low Vision Services and Referral
Macular Disease Foundation Australia
Glaucoma Australia
Vision Australia
What is Vision Australia?
Our main focus for our clients revolves around:
- Independence
- employment
- education
- social inclusion.
We will also help clients access government funding such as My Aged Care or NDIS for which they are eligible. This funding can then be used for services, aids and equipment.
What services does Vision Australia provide?
- Emotional support and groups for social inclusion
- Occupational therapy for independence
- Mobility specialists to stay safe and get around
- Orthoptists to assess functional vision and make recommendations
- Education and employment support to achieve aspirations
- Aids and equipment from our retail shop to improve daily living
- Technology and training to stay connected
- Early intervention, children’s and adolescents specialised services
- Seeing Eye Dogs for independence
- Audio books and on line library for leisure and learning
- Helpful information and advice
- My Aged Care and NDIS expertise to maximise funding
How to live with low vision
1) Tips for Coping with Low Vision
2) Living with Low Vision
3) Living with Vision Loss
4) A Self-Help Guide to Nonvisual Skills
5) Roadmap to Living with Vision Loss
6) Vision loss – safety around the home
7) At a glance: Low Vision

Vision Australia
Contact Details
Phone: 1300 84 74 66 – Monday to Friday,
8:30am – 5:00pm EST.
Email: [email protected]