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Accessing study support

Accessing study support

If you are feeling unsure about aspects of your studies, especially one of your first assessment tasks, we are here to help.

We provide free support services and resources to help you maximise your chances of study success. The following teams of people are ready and waiting to help you with your academic work, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask a question.

  • You can make an appointment with a Language and Learning Adviser, a staff member who can help you understand an assessment task and provide feedback on planning, researching, writing and revising.
  • You can chat with a Maths Mentor or a Writing Mentor, trained students with experience in and passion for their area who host online drop-in sessions. They can talk you through a particular aspect of your work you need help with.
  • You can use our online tutoring and writing feedback service Studiosity, which offers 24/7 real-time tutoring or writing feedback within 24 hours.
  • Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are online group study sessions for tough units where you can work alongside other students – search for your unit and see if there’s a PASS session for it now.
  • The Library has librarians available to help you with questions you might have about accessing resources. You can email a librarian from your area of study, or use the online live chat to ask a more general question.
    Last updated:
    Page custodian: Student Services