Polish up your LinkedIn Profile

Many of us know about LinkedIn, the ‘world’s largest professional network with nearly 690+ million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide’.

But how do you distinguish your LinkedIn profile from the crowd? Many recruiters now rely on LinkedIn to identify potential job opportunities, so it pays to update your profile to differentiate your offering from everyone else.

DeakinTALENT run a range of Career Success workshops, including Creating a Strong LinkedIn profile and presence. Learn how to develop a strong LinkedIn profile and learn how to effectively utilise LinkedIn’s core functions. More information and dates are located on the Career Success Workshop site.

Once you’ve completed, don’t forget to add course details to your ILP.

Need more LinkedIn Profile Tips?

See ‘The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers’ and ‘7 PhD-Only LinkedIn Profile Tips’ (Many PhDs Forget #5)








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