Internships spotlight – Ching Hin Wong

Are you interested in engaging with industry and expanding your networks?

Want to apply your research skills to solve real-world problems?

Keen to develop your soft skills and build industry networks?


Internships, or Career Pathway Placements are a great way to improve your career and employment prospects.

We recently asked Ching Hin Wong, Finance Department PhD candidate about his internship.

How did you hear about the internship?

I received the information from the Department of Finance HDR Director, Dr Saikat Deb.


Had you always planned to include an internship as part of your PhD?

No, an internship was not part of my initial plan.


What was the application process like?

There was an online application and a face-to-face interview.


What is the project you’re working on?

I work closely with the Finance and Operation team, Product Development team, and

Investment team of AustralianSuper. The primary objective of the internship is to predict the impact of member behaviours to enable improved resources localisations and deliver a better retirement outcome for our members.

The scope of the internship is divided into three main sections: (1) Demystify the current crediting rate process, reporting and documenting key process improvements and operation risks; (2) Review the impact of member behaviour on key transaction groups; (3) Improve the existing cash flow forecasting process.


What have you learned so far?

As a researcher, this internship provides me with an opportunity to conduct research in a well-established commercial corporation which is different from academic institutions. This opportunity allows me to apply my modelling skills to solve real-world problems and provides me with detailed information about the Australian pension fund industry.

Moreover, this is an excellent chance for me to develop my soft skills and build industry networks. In this project, I work closely with brilliant people from various departments, and I have chances to present to senior staff about my views of AustralianSuper’s business. I believe that the internship helps me to develop my workplace communication skills which can enhance my employability in the future.

Lastly, as an Australian resident, my research philosophy is the ultimate goal of academic research is to benefit society as a whole. I believe that working for AustralianSuper allows me to achieve this aim. I am proud of applying my expertise in quantitative modelling and research to help our members to achieve better retirement outcomes.


Has the internship changed your plans? Eg. If you were thinking about an academic career, are you now also considering an industry-based role? Or were you always interested in an industry-based role?

Getting an academic position is my priority. However, there is no harm to engage more with industry people and expand my networks.


Have there been any surprises? Anything you weren’t expecting?

The Covid-19 event forces all of us to work from home, which brings surprises and challenges to everyone, including me. However, I believe that this is also a lesson about how to maintain efficient communication with colleagues. Moreover, the scope of my project is extended to quantify the risks and investigate issues related to Covid-19. This enables me to contribute to my society as a researcher in such a difficult time.


Find out more about Career Pathway Placements eligibility, rules and how to apply. Deakin University has also partnered with APR.Intern, Contact a GRA staff member for APR.Intern information.

Category: News, Resources

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