Qualitative data collection during a pandemic

A recent post on the London School of Economics Impact blog addresses the matter of Carrying out qualitative research under lockdown – Practical and ethical considerations.

With social-distancing measures in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, LSE outlines a number of techniques to help researchers collect data without the need for face-to-face contact.

Before halting your plans to conduct interviews, focus group or fieldwork, think about other ways to gather your data. Deborah Lupton’s Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic outlines many examples of using online survey tools, including discussion platforms, Facebook groups and other apps.

Please note that it is important that you discuss any ideas for alternative data collection methods with your supervisor, at the earliest opportunity.

To ensure you understand the ethical implications of these alternative techniques, read Deakin’s HDR FAQs – Human Research Ethics section. 








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