BUiLD Workshop: Rewards and Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research

Cross-disciplinary research is often identified as a pathway not only for making substantive theoretical contributions but also for addressing the increasingly complex set of problems facing society. While such research opens up numerous exciting opportunities, it is not without its own unique challenges. For example, can academics reap the rewards of bringing new thinking into their fields while also ensuring that cross-disciplinary research results in publications in their home discipline? What is the best way to engage in cross-disciplinary research (both within and outside the Faculty of Business and Law), and what is the best strategy for ensuring that the resulting publications will ‘count’ for all parties?

It is within this broader context that the Faculty is particularly excited to present a BUiLD workshop led by Professor Manoj Agarwal, Professor of Marketing and Director, MS Data Analytics Program, School of Management, Binghamton University, State University of New York, on Tuesday 2 April. He will present some frameworks for dealing with cross-disciplinary research, lead a discussion on issues and solutions, and share his own experiences from working on the nexus between marketing and finance.

Select one of the links below to register:

Burwood campus

Waterfront campus

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!


Prof Manoj Argarwal

Prof Manoj Argarwal

Manoj K. Agarwal is Professor of Marketing, School of Management, Binghamton University, State University of New York (SUNY) and is visiting Deakin University on his sabbatical. He was Associate Dean for Faculty, Research and PhD Programs from 2014-2018.  He is the Director of the new multi-disciplinary MS in Data Science Program at Binghamton University. His research interests are in the area of adoption of innovations, marketing finance interface, impact of user interaction design on consumers, branding and brand equity measurement. He is currently pursuing some research with Intelligent Computing Agents. His branding research has received the prestigious Robert D. Buzell Best Paper award from Marketing Science Institute in 2005. His research has appeared in Journal of MarketingJournal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Marketing ResearchMarketing ScienceIJRM and Journal of International Marketing. He has also consulted with Arthur D. Little, A.T. Kearney and the Wirthlin Group, among others, in the area of Telecommunications Demand estimation.


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