The Why, the How, and the What of Modelling Large and Complex Physiological Time Series Data – September 4th, 2020

Speaker – Professor Maia Angelova 

Abstract: In this talk I will share our current research on modelling complex physiological time series data for objective evaluation of our health, physical and cognitive performance. The advances of health and performance monitoring with wearable devices have created new challenges for data science by providing massive volumes of continuous time series data in different form, shape and size, captured from our locomotor movements, heart rate, respiration and brain waves. Often for evaluating our physical and cognitive performance, as well as our wellbeing and the quality of life, specialists use different questionnaires. This inevitably brings elements of subjectiveness in the evaluation, which can be on occasions provide inadequate or wrong evaluation of the conditions. One aim of our research program is to develop, based on the sensor signals, objective tools for evaluation and classification of physical and cognitive conditions. This brings new challenges in the automatic learning from these signals mainly due to volume and complexity of the data, as well as the inadequacy, or the need of generalisation or adaptation of current metrics used in data mining, machine and deep learning algorithms.


Bio: Prof. Maia Angelova joined School of Information Technology, Deakin University in 2017 as a Professor of Data Analytics and Machine Learning. She is currently the Centre Director of Data-to-Intelligence (D2I). From January 1997 to December 2016 she worked at Northumbria University, UK, where she was a Professor of Mathematical Physics from 2004. She was a College Lecturer in Physics in Somerville and Worcester Colleges and a member of the Theoretical Physics Sub-Department at Oxford University for 6 years from 1991 to 1996, and Assistant Professor in Physics at Sofia University from 1988 to 1991. She is a Visiting Professor at the National University of Mexico from 2015 and an Honorary Professor at Amity University. She was a Visiting Researcgh Fellow at the Department of Chemistry at University of Kent at Canterbury from 1988 to 1991.

Date:  Friday 4th September 

(First Friday of every month) 

Time: 12:00 – 12:20 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 910 2414 8847
Password: 960476

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