Remote or regional location, family commitments or work obligations shouldn’t impact your ability to access university. At the National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research and Innovation (NIKERI) Institute our Community Based Delivery (CBD) approach supports students to access on campus study blocks at Deakin University without having to relocate.
Our distinctive CBD model offers a combination of on-campus study blocks and supported learning in home communities, strengthened by Deakin’s leading digital platform. This enables students the flexibility to live in their home community and maintain family, work, and cultural obligations while studying.
With a history of more than 35 years of providing higher education opportunities to First Nations students, we are proud to have graduates from all states and territories in Australia working in health, education, arts, law, research and environment management.
Like many NIKERI Institute students, Russell Lingwoodock had family members who have completed their studies at Deakin before him, motivating him to enrol in a Bachelor of Arts degree. The Kabi Kabi, Byellee, Wakka Wakka man finds the on-campus study blocks provide great additional support and time to focus. “I like coming down to the Geelong Campus for intensives, as it gives me a break from my everyday routine, and I can discuss any issues I might be having face to face with staff.”
Fellow Bachelor of Arts student, Nicola Frewen a Wongutha woman from Kalgoorlie in Western Australiaagrees. “Being a parent, working full time and studying part time, I’m grateful that NIKERI recognises this, and supports me with my studies.”
“The best thing about NIKERI is that it recognises the importance of education, whilst also supporting students around their individual needs. They also fully support students to understand the academic requirements for your degree. It’s been a relief to know how much help is available when transitioning to university after working for so long.”
Admission to courses at NIKERI Institute is based on alternative entry. An ATAR or high school graduation certificate is not a necessity as other factors such as knowledge gained through experience are also considered.
Russell had previously attempted university studies but has found the Community Based Delivery approach the key to success. “I am not getting any younger and I guess this will be my last chance of completing one (a degree). Thus far, I have passed every subject I have undertaken. I am now halfway through and am on track to complete my degree at the end of 2024.”
The unique learning environment at NIKERI Institute brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from across Australia to share their individual perspectives and experiences. Surrounded in class with First Nations peers, students don’t just study within a westernised academic capacity but in a First Nations Knowledge system within a culturally safe space.
In addition to study support including tutoring and academic advice and social and emotional guidance there are many scholarships and other enablers available to make the decision to study a stress-free process. NIKERI Institute has a dedicated student services team available through the entire student journey, assisting with your online application, enrolment, travel and accommodation arrangements and academic engagement through to graduation.

Students Nicola Frewen, Mia Jia-Sepon and Russell Lingwoodock at the Kitjarra Residences where NIKERI Institute students stay while on campus.