Maths Seminar Series: Nadia Sukhorukova, Swinburne University of Technology – Optimisation in Real-Life Applications: Sleep and Disaster Management

Thursday 24 October, 2019

The Mathematics Research Lab welcomes Nadia Sukhorukova to present her research.


In this presentation, Dr. Sukhorukova will talk about two large research projects. The 􏰙irst project is application of optimisation to biomedical signal processing and classi􏰙ication (done together with Dr. Zahra Roshan Zamir, graduated in December 2016). In this project we demonstrate that the classi􏰙ication of carefully chosen approximations of signals may produce better classi􏰙ication results than the classi􏰙ication of the actual signals. The second is application of optimisation to location-allocation analysis, disaster management and data clustering (done together with Dr. Behrooz Bodaghi, graduated in December 2017).

In this project we show that some location-allocation and resource distribution problems that normally require integer solutions can be modelled as linear programs whose solutions are integer.


Dr. Sukhorukova is holding two PhD degrees: one from the University of Ballarat (currently, Feder- ation University Australia), completed in 2004 and another one is from Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia) completed in 2006. Dr. Nadia Sukhorukova is working in the area of Mathematical Optimisation and its application to data analysis, data mining, signal processing, location-allocation problems and other real-life applications. Dr. Sukhorukova is also working on a number of mathematical problems appearing in the area of Chebyshev (uniform) approximation (ARC Discovery grant DP180100602).

Category list: Seminars

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