Items with tag:
physical activity

How parents can boost their child’s motor skills, right from infancy

Using active toys, playing with older kids and having more time to explore are key...

When tree houses become screen houses

A new Australian study has found a staggering 85% of parents said they would reduce...

Physical activity targets must change to optimise mental health

Global physical activity guidelines should be extended to ensure they have the best impact on...

World-first Deakin study pinpoints best exercises to beat back pain

Active treatments including Pilates, stabilisation exercises, weight training and aerobic exercise could be the most...

From senior cit to senior fit: Gym trial puts weight behind active bones

Community exercise programs could be key to helping Australia’s ageing population maintain bone and muscle...

Middle-age critical for brain health in later years – Dementia Action Week

Lifestyle choices made in mid-life could have a significant impact on future dementia risk, research...

Women’s Health Week: simple tips to improve your wellbeing

In celebration of  Women’s Health Week (2–6 September), we lined up some of our leading female...

Healthy active learning at school

Inactivity is one of the leading contributors to chronic disease – yet almost three out...

Deakin mega-study shows sitting not so bad for back pain

In good news for those with desk jobs, a new Deakin University mega-study into the...

Teenagers who play sport after school are only 7 minutes more active per day than those who don’t

Teenagers who play organised sport only get seven minutes more physical activity per day, on...

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