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Inclusive Health Communication in SDA: Resident Interviews

Update: This stage of the research is now complete. For an overview of findings please see our update blog post

In this study we will talk to Specialist Disability Accommodation (Group Home) residents about these topics:

  1. Information and communication support needs of people with intellectual disabilities living in SDA services during a disease outbreak,
  2. Information needs of SDA service providers during a disease outbreak,
  3. Barriers/facilitators to SDA service providers and residents accessing information regarding COVID-19, and
  4. Impact of COVID-19 on communication behaviours, routines and environments within SDA settings.

We would like to talk to residents who have lived in a group home since the start of 2020. They must live in or around Melbourne, Sydney, or Geelong.

For more information about this study please watch the participant information video below, or contact the research team via

September 21, 2021

Last modified: November 4, 2022 at 11:32 am

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