Urbi Pal

PhD Candidate


I am a PhD student. My supervisors are Prof. Maria Forsyth and A/Prof. Patrick Howlett. I just started my work and really it’s amazing to work with such beautiful people and my colleagues as well. I am an Indian and a ‘Bong’ too.

I did my B.Tech and M.Tech in Polymer Science. Previously I had an experience of working on Lithium ion battery when I was in IIT Bombay. I worked on a project of Solid State LIB with Prof. Sagar Mitra which was funded by Applied Materials, USA. I have a fond loving of various fields of knowledge, work and ideas.

I love drawing, sketching and sometimes designing! New areas always thrill me, especially when it is related to day to day life application. Let’s hope for making a really good battery system out of my current study.