Introducing the First Nations Hub
The library’s Indigenous Programs team is excited to announce the launch of the First Nations Hub, which went live on Wednesday 13 November.
The Hub aligns with the Deakin Indigenous Strategy 2023-2028 through its support of embedding Indigenous knowledges and perspectives in the curriculum, as well as providing respectful research strategies and cultural intelligence building.
Part of being a successful uni student involves learning to see and experience the world from other perspectives, and allowing those perspective to shape your research and learning. The First Nations Hub will support you as you work on your assignments and projects, providing recommendations for Indigenous perspectives and guidance on how to incorporate those into your coursework respectfully.
What is the First Nations Hub?
The First Nations Hub pulls together key information about Indigenous knowledges for studies, teaching and research. From properly citing Indigenous perspectives in your research, to understanding principles of ethical engagement with Indigenous data, the First Nations Hub offers useful and practical guidance for students and burgeoning researchers.
On the Hub, you will find:
- guidelines on how to cite and reference Indigenous knowledges
- information about Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property
- principles for ethical engagement with Indigenous data
- resources related to Indigenous Research Methodologies
- information about Indigenous Data Governance and Sovereignty
- a glossary of Indigenous terms
- a guide that provides pathways for the Deakin community to engage with Indigenous knowledges and resources.
Put simply, the First Nations Hub is a simple, useful resources for everyone at Deakin to provide guidance and direction on engaging with Indigenous knowledges.
About the artwork
Earlier this year, Indigenous Programs put out an expression of interest form for First Nations artists across Australia to submit artwork for consideration to be used on the Hub, as well as other Indigenous Programs collateral. The winning selection is Through Learning, We Heal by Talitha Podger (Wemba Wemba & Mutthi Mutthi).

Through Learning, We Heal by Talitha Podger
Watch the Deakin Library Article blog and social media channels for an upcoming artist interview with Talitha. Please note that this artwork is to be used only by permission from Deakin Library’s Indigenous Programs.
Originally published on Article, the Deakin Library blog.
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