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26 October 2023

Deakin’s video sharing has gotten an upgrade with easy-to-use Panopto

From Monday 23 October 2023, Panopto has now replaced DeakinAir as Deakin’s video-sharing platform, ready for upcoming study periods.

You’ll use Panopto to view videos shared by your teaching staff as well as upload and share your own videos with fellow students or for assessment tasks. Students have already been saying it’s ‘been fantastic’ and is ‘easy to use’.

What does this mean for me?

Videos will continue to be available and shared in the places you’re used to, like your unit sites, without you needing to change anything. 

Panopto will have all the features DeakinAir did and more.

Your teaching staff will also have access to a number of features they can choose to activate for your unit’s videos, such as translations of transcripts into other languages, leaving comments and questions, completing quizzes or submitting assessments. Your Unit Chair or teaching staff will let you know if these are relevant to you, or you can ask them if you have any questions.

What happens to existing videos?

Never fear, any existing videos* you or your teaching staff uploaded using DeakinAir are safe and sound and are currently in the process of being moved across to Panopto for you automatically, with no action needed on your part. 

DeakinAir will also remain available in a read-only mode to view existing—but not upload new—videos until mid-next year, when it will be permanently retired.

*This applies to all videos uploaded or viewed after July 2021. If you have a video from before that date, or a video that hasn’t yet been moved, you would like to have copied across, please contact IT Help for assistance.

Will this impact how I view my lecture or learning activity recordings?

Online lecture recordings

If you have a lecture or learning activity that was held online and recorded, the recording will be available through Panopto going forward.  

On-campus lecture recordings

Recordings of lectures held on-campus will continue to be handled using Deakin Video until part way through next year, 2024. We’ll have further updates on upcoming changes for you then.

Find out more

Find out more details, including tutorials on how to access, interact with, create and edit videos in Panopto on the Panopto webpage.

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