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Physiotherapist with client

2 December 2022

Look after your body with a visit to Burwood’s on-campus physiotherapy service

Hey Burwood students, did you know that you can see a physiotherapist right here on campus?

If you have any musculoskeletal issues – from a niggling injury to a long-term condition – Ami Nishikawa and Sophie Parrôt from Hartwell Physiotherapy are here to help!

Ami and Sophie are based at the Deakin Medical Centre on Wednesdays and Fridays. On your first visit, you’ll have a comprehensive assessment so they can accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your condition.

Their evidence-based treatment techniques will help to provide symptomatic relief of pain and discomfort, and manage or prevent any long-term issues. Ami and Sophie also offer a variety of remedial massage techniques to treat acute and chronic muscle tightness, postural imbalances and soft tissue injuries.

If you need treatment, you’ll receive a 10% student discount on the fee. Payment is processed on site and private health insurance extras rebates apply. Just book your appointment online (select the Burwood option and then choose your preferred time with Ami or Sophie) or call the Deakin Medical Centre on 9244 5577.

If you can’t make the on-campus session times, you can also book an appointment at Hartwell Physiotherapy in Camberwell, just a short tram ride from campus! You’ll still receive the 10% student discount.

Need further info? Just email Sophie on [email protected]. And remember to check out Deakin’s full range of student health and wellbeing services – designed to help keep you happy, safe and healthy while you study.

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