Alissa studied to become a teacher through Deakin’s Bachelor of Education (Primary) course. She shares some of her study experience below.
Why did you choose to study at Deakin?
Alissa: I chose to study at Deakin as I liked the idea of being in a smaller classroom/campus at Warrnambool. I also loved the diverse support available at Deakin and opportunities to expand my leadership skills through working in different student roles. Deakin also had so many scholarships that I could apply for to help make studying accessible.
What made you interested in your particular course?
Alissa:I always loved working with kids and loved learning. Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs and I want to make a difference in the lives of young people, so I chose to become a teacher through this course at Deakin.
What were you hoping to achieve in applying to study this course?
Alissa: My goal from this course was to become a teacher and inspire others to love learning and to continue learning throughout their life. I hoped that through my specialisation in Mathematics, my female students in particular, would feel excited, confident and interested in Mathematics as females are so underrepresented in these areas.
How is your course preparing you to be work ready when you graduate?
Alissa: My course has prepared me to be work ready through engaging in professional learning experiences (placements) where I was able to observe other teachers and develop confidence and experience in my own teaching practice. Engaging in classroom debates and discussions have also prepared me to be work ready as my concepts and philosophy has been challenged and expanded.
The one key thing that I will take away from Deakin into my future is the notion of lifelong learning. I want to continue to challenge myself and learn new skills, approaches and ideas.
What’s one thing you’ve learnt or explored in your course that you didn’t expect?
Alissa: Across my course, we explored a vast array of pedagogical and philosophical approaches to teaching and education. I did not expect there to be such a broad range of approaches to teaching, but it is something that has shaped me as a teacher and encourages me to continually reflect on and grow in my teaching practise. I also completed a social media unit as an elective in my course. This unit surprised me in its applicability to education as I explored how social media can be used to promote and enhance learning and education through expanding my network and connecting and sharing ideas with educators across the world.
How would you describe the learning environment and culture at Deakin?
Alissa: The learning environment and culture at Deakin is so supportive and inviting. I have been involved in mentoring programs and ambassador roles at Deakin, and every person that I come across has been friendly and enthusiastic about their role/course at Deakin.
What would you say to someone considering study at Deakin University?
Alissa: Deakin University is an incredible institution that will provide you with a range of support, knowledge and opportunities to learn and improve your skills. Deakin offers so much support for disadvantaged and struggling students to ensure that every individual has an opportunity to learn and achieve their goals. If you are looking for work, Deakin also provides so many flexible jobs for students that develop skills and confidence in various areas. I would not be the teacher that I am today, nor have had the opportunity to develop and acquire the skills I possess, if I hadn’t have studied at Deakin and been provided with those experiences.

Alissa studied Deakin’s Bachelor of Education (Primary) course.
Explore the range of Education and teaching courses at Deakin.