Studying abroad in Italy and then Morocco are two of the most educating and eye opening experiences I was fortunate enough to embark on and I came back with the deep desire to help others have similar opportunities.

I am a firm believer in what the UN Secretary-General said ‘We Are the First Generation that Can End Poverty, the Last that Can End Climate Change’. This quote inspires me to have a strong work ethic to help others and motivates me to be the best person I can be.

I have truly experienced the Deakin Difference with the incredible studying abroad opportunities I have had and my involvement as Vice President of the Deakin Study Abroad Club and a Global Leader in the Deakin Abroad office. The only regret I have is not taking up more Studying Abroad opportunities and not getting involved with some of the Clubs and Societies at Deakin.

Bella D’Monte
Bachelor of International Studies

Explore Humanities and social science