Vision and Research Capabilities

We develop data mining and machine learning algorithms, design, develop and solve data driven models of complex dynamical systems and develop advanced computational techniques. Our research combines data analytics with machine learning and physical models. We use advanced data science technologies, numerical methods, dynamical systems and signal processing techniques to develop intelligent algorithms for solving fundamental and industrial problems from the real world. Furthermore, we adapt and design machine learning and deep learning approaches to solve such problems.

The lab is active in developing original models and algorithms as well as fundamental and translational research in the application domain. As all datasets are different, we design tailor-made solutions for individual problems based on the dynamic interactions between the components of the system and the data produced as a result of such interactions. We develop integrative, multi-level and multi-modal algorithms and models.

We have research capability in mining data, including time series data, recognising spatial and temporal patterns, big data dimensionality reduction and visualisation, clustering and classifying data, modelling interactions and causality to better understand systems and behaviours. We use and develop complex models and algorithms for machine learning, and machine learning driven knowledge system development and management to make accurate predictions and obtain meaningful insights from data. We develop advanced mathematical and computational models based on dynamical systems and differential equations with applications to physiology, health, medicine and defence. We design computational diagnostics and technologies for intelligent healthcare using and developing complex models and algorithms for machine learning, and machine learning driven knowledge system development and management to make accurate predictions and obtain meaningful insights from data. We detect meaningful anomalies from streamed data, including social media data, data collected from IoT devices and image data. We develop intelligent solutions for sensor and multi-source data, data compression, data farming, multi-source data fusion for making smart the way we live.

Our expertise in dynamical systems, signal processing, data analytics and machine learning combines the physical, statistical and dynamical aspects of the data and enables us to build powerful predictive data driven models.

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