According to scientists at University of California Santa Barbara, ‘… weather represents the conditions at a specific location on a specific day, while climate is the average conditions over many years. Both have a great impact on how we live, but climate tends to affect lifestyle, social structure, and culture, whereas weather affects daily choices. … ’ 

On the Bureau of Meteorology site there is an indigenous weather knowledge section. The Gariwerd calendar from this site (see diagram below) indicates six weather periods recognised in the Gariwerd seasonal cycle. This is explained further through the Brambuk National Park and Cultural Centre in Gariwerd, western Victoria: view here 

The Werribee Park Heritage Orchard combines a range of sources to explore historical views of seasons within Victoria. 

Getting climate ready in Victoria…at the end of the 2019-20 summer bushfire season, there was no certainty that climate change could be reversed. Click here for some information from Climate Change Victoria…

  • In what ways are changing weather patterns threatening local and regional communities?
  • How can individuals and groups shape perceptions about the rapid changes in weather and climate?
  • What are various ways the regional creative arts community could respond to issues of disruption and uncertainty in weather and climate?