May 1, 2020 | Community Pavillion
According to scientists at University of California Santa Barbara, ‘… weather represents the conditions at a specific location on a specific day, while climate is the average conditions over many years. Both have a great impact on how we live, but climate tends...
May 1, 2020 | Community Pavillion
At a digital conference in 2018 in Canada, Madison Lymer mused on the effects of disruption and uncertainty on arts practice … Photo by davisco on Unsplash Perhaps in order to disrupt that uncertainty, we must find new ways to ground our own practices. …where...
May 1, 2020 | Community Pavillion
In my experience, arts plays a critical, but hugely undervalued role, in this process (disaster recovery). …it is the participation, the involvement in the creative process that makes the difference.’ BRUCE ESPLIN, Past COMMISSIONER OF VICTORIA’S...