Longing for connection – university educator experiences of teaching online: CRADLE Seminar Series

What does it mean to be an online educator in contemporary higher education? Join us as researchers and university educators, including CRADLE’s Brandi Fox and Margaret Bearman, share their experiences of teaching online.

When?2.00 pm to 3.00 pm, Tuesday 9 June 2020
Cost?This is a free event
Register?Register here!

This presentation explores our experience of teaching online using collaborative autoethnography (CAE) as the main method to facilitate meaning making through collaboration and conversation. We explore what it means to be an online educator in contemporary higher education and aim to raise questions about how we approach online education and understand ourselves as educators online. We question what we as educators were losing and what we were gaining as a consequence of shifting to more online modes of teaching via university-mandated platforms and processes. The findings provide a snapshot of a significant cultural milieu in academia, as we were afforded time to engage in reflexive practice about teaching online just as the academic world was abruptly mandated to shift almost wholly online.

The seminar will be presented by the project team: Brandi Fox, Margaret Bearman, Robin Bellingham, Andrea North-Samardzic, Simona Scarparo, Darci Taylor and Matthew Krehl Edward Thomas (Deakin University), and Michael Volkov (Macquarie University).

Composite image of speakers: Brandi Fox; Margaret Bearman; Robin Bellingham; Andrea North-Samardzic; Simona Scarparo; Darci Taylor; Matthew Krehl Edward Thomas; and Michael Volkov

This seminar is the third in our online-only series. Join us for a thought-provoking virtual seminar and discussion!

Places for the seminar are filling fast, so register now!

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