Imelda Gozali tells us about her fruitful CRADLE visit

CRADLE was pleased to host Imelda Gozali as part of her academic visitation to Melbourne in May 2024. It was wonderful to welcome her as part of CRADLE’s increasing global collaborative academic network and we look forward to continuing to work with Imelda in the future. In this post Imelda reflects on her motivation to visit and on her time with us.

I first learned about CRADLE from my bibliometric study on feedback literacy, which identified CRADLE as one of the prominent hubs for assessment and feedback research. So when I heard about the SIROM (Student International Research Outbound Mobility) program from the Universitas Negeri Malang where I am doing my doctoral study, I lost no time to grab the opportunity and contacted Dr Joanna Tai, a CRADLE senior research fellow, to inquire about the possibility of a short visit and the potential research topic that I could work with her. Upon her affirmative response and a series of bureaucratic steps for the SIROM and visa applications, I finally made it to CRADLE for a whirlwind visit from 6-10 May 2024.

My brief stay in CRADLE was incredibly fruitful and enriching. Firstly, I got to work closely with Jo to develop a manuscript dealing with student feedback agency in a feedback-literacy supporting environment from the socio-material perspective. I was lucky that my visit coincided with a doctoral meeting, where we discussed a scoping review article on feedback and emotion, and a CRADLE seminar on Beyond Emergency Remote Teaching by Associate Professor Jaclyn Broadbent. I also met Professor David Boud, Professor Phillip Dawson and Professor Margaret Bearman of the CRADLE team whom I have only seen in my citations and through Zoom. Last but not least, it was awesome to meet other PhD students and researchers from several countries such as China, Korea, Turkey, and my home country Indonesia. My conversation with them about feedback literacy truly convinced me that it is indeed a promising research area with many avenues for investigation.

Now, back home in Surabaya, I am still working on completing the manuscript and preparing my thesis exam (wish me luck!). Once again, I would like to thank Jo and CRADLE’s Research Manager Dr Helen Walker for making my brief visit to CRADLE possible. I’m looking forward to other opportunities to visit CRADLE again for future research collaborations and, until then, I am staying tuned to the CRADLE webinars.

About Imelda Gozali

Imelda Gozali is a PhD student in the Graduate School of English Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. Imelda is also a faculty member of the English Language Education Study Program of the Teacher Education Faculty in Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University. Imelda’s dissertation involved developing a teaching module to foster feedback literacy in EFL preservice English teachers, while exploring the growth of their learner agency and autonomy.

Category list: CRADLE Visitors, News

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