CRADLE 2020 publications round-up – Part 3: Work-integrated learning / Research practice

As 2020 draws to a close, we asked the CRADLE team to look over their impressive list of publications for the year and pick some highlights for a special four-part publication round-up. Today – if you’re looking for new perspectives or some inspiration around work-integrated learning or research practice, read on! And if you’re hungry for more food for thought or great ideas, feast on our full 2020 publications round-up!

Part 1: Assessment / Evaluative judgement
Part 2: Academic integrity / Learning design
Part 4: Feedback / Feedback literacy

Work-integrated learning

Aligning assessment with the needs of work-integrated learning: the challenges of authentic assessment in a complex context Open access logo - orange open padlock
R. Ajjawi, J. Tai, L. H. N. Tran, D. Boud, L. Johnson and C.-J. Patrick (2020) Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
One of the most challenging areas of assessment is how to design it for work-integrated learning units. The experiences of students are diverse, unpredictable and the actual learning outcomes available to students can often not be controlled. Now open access, this paper considers how assessment can be aligned more closely to what students learn in placements and internships.

Cover of Assessing Work-Integrated Learning Programs guide

Assessing work-integrated learning programs: a guide to effective assessment design Open access logo - orange open padlock
D. Boud, R. Ajjawi and J. Tai (2020) Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Deakin University: Melbourne.
A bonus Christmas cracker – not a paper, but it might help you design your WIL assessments! This guide aims to foster high quality assessment practice in diverse WIL programs and activities, drawing on contemporary research and education theory. It is intended for academics, practitioners and industry partners involved in the design and delivery of WIL assessment, and contains guiding questions and case scenarios.

Research practice

Using video‐reflexive ethnography to understand complexity and change practice
R. Ajjawi, J. Hilder, C. Noble, A. Teodorczuk and S. Billett (2020) Medical Education.
This methodological paper discusses a relatively new collaborative visual research approach that seeks to capture, illuminate and optimise in situ work and education practices. The approach can prompt fresh perspectives and insights into education practice through shared deliberations about how practice might be reimagined and enacted.

Approaching culture in medical education: Three perspectives
C. J. Watling, R. Ajjawi and M. Bearman (2020) Medical Education.
Culture change is frequently identified as a necessary precursor to progress in changing feedback practices. In this cross‐cutting edge paper, we explore how culture has been defined and theorised using three lenses: the organisational perspective; the identity perspective; and the practice perspective.

Feature image: Pickawood on Unsplash


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