Can I preview my new look blog?

Yes, before applying the new theme to your blog you are able to use the ‘Live Preview’ within the Themes option in the Appearance Dashboard menu.

To preview your new look blog follow these steps:

  1. Log in to WordPress and access the Themes.
  2. Hover over the new theme installed and select ‘Live Preview’. This will load your site in a new window with a preview pane and a selection menu on the left.

  3. Select ‘Menu’ icon adjacent to the main navigation, this will open the menu panel containing the required options.
    select menus
  4. Select ‘Menu Locations‘ to access the menu location selection options.
    select menu locations
  5. Select the menu to place in the – you will see the page update on selection of the following:

    1. Primary Menu‘.
    2. Footer Menu‘.
  6. Click the previous panel button to navigate back to main customise window.
  7. Select the Widgets: Main Sidebar item
  8. Select “Sidebar” from the available widget area list.
    Here you will be able to add/remove widgets as required applying some customisations to the number of posts as well as visibility (this option allows for users to define when a widget is visible based upon a set of applied rules).
  9. Save and Publish your changes.
    Manage Themes ‹ Deakin University Blogs — WordPress14
  10. Your site will now be updated to the new theme.

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