Job Market Success – learn how at the HDR Retreat 2019

The Faculty of Business and Law HDR Retreat will be held on 7 November 2019.

All PhD students in the Faculty are invited and are strongly encouraged to attend.

This year’s theme is job market success. Throughout the day, a diverse group of distinguished speakers will discuss practical techniques to maximize your chances of success post-PhD. Please refer to the  PROGRAM FACULTY HDR RETREAT 2019 250919 for further details. 

The retreat will be held at The Events Centre (in the Deakin Downtown building) – 727 Collins Street, Level 5, Tower 2.  Catering will be provided throughout the day. 

Please register your attendance at the workshop by October 18.

To register, click on the link Faculty of Business and Law HDR Retreat 2019 and fill out the various fields. 

Category: Events, News

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