Board of Management
BBN is under the review of a Board of Management which includes a rotating group of Bilby business people, representatives from the Bilby Shire Council, Bendalong Regional Tourism and Bilby Community Centre. The Executive Officer is a part-time paid role to manage the business advocacy, networking and reporting.
The current Executive Officer is Dan Lambert, stock agent and CEO Bendalong Regional Funerals. He has several business interests in the Bilby region. He bought a share in the business of his uncle, Frank ‘Chops’ Lambert, the local butcher who started the original Bilby Business Association, with a small but profitable farm and homestead (just outside Bilby) specializing in breeding stock and selling organic wagyu beef for the Japanese market.
Dan shares his uncle’s concerns to make sure there are more employment possibilities, particularly with the cancellation of the TV series City Stresses Country Pleasures. He is always looking for entrepreneurial activities for progressing Bilby, and is potentially encouraging of the concept of wind farms. He also helped Gwen Fallenby (an old primary school friend) to develop the proposal for federal government funds to support building a manufacturing plant in Bilby as an innovative export business, Material Designs. He is hopeful that there will be local jobs in building more housing in Bilby for the Material Designs workers and their families.