Interdisciplinary Human Ecology Reading Group

Friday 13th March – Interdisciplinary Human Ecology Reading Group (invite only – please contact Tanya King for more information)Prince Alfred Hotel, 191 Grattan St, Carlton. 2pm – 3:15pm.

Sherren et al 2010, p.1060

Sherren et al 2010, p.1060

Under consideration:

Kate Sherren, Joern Fischer, Richard Price, 2010, ‘Using photography to elicit grazier values and management practices relating to tree survival and recruitment’, Land Use Policy 27:1056–1067.

Emma Kowal Book Launch – 23rd April

Thursday 23rd April – Book Launch – Emma Kowal – ‘Trapped in the Gap: Doing Good in Indigenous Australia’ (Berghahn, 2015), plus, Academy of Social Sciences of Australia Paul Bourke lecture. 4-7pm, Deakin Melbourne City Centre, Level 3, 550 Bourke Street, Melbourne.

In Australia, a ‘tribe’ of white, middle-class, progressive professionals is actively working to improve the lives of Indigenous people. This book explores what Trapped in the Gaphappens when well-meaning people, supported by the state, attempt to help without harming. ‘White anti-racists’ find themselves trapped by endless ambiguities, contradictions, and double binds — a microcosm of the broader dilemmas of postcolonial societies. These dilemmas are fuelled by tension between the twin desires of equality and difference: to make Indigenous people statistically the same as non-Indigenous people (to ‘close the gap’) while simultaneously maintaining their ‘cultural’ distinctiveness. This tension lies at the heart of failed development efforts in Indigenous communities, ethnic minority populations and the global South. This book explains why doing good is so hard, and how it could be done differently.

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