This Wednesday, James Coulson will be completing the final REAL lecture of the trimester, with a lecture titled ‘Reflections’. A fitting title, as James departs the Deakin School of Architecture after 24 years. 

James is a graduate of Deakin University and has been teaching at the school since 1994. He has previously worked in London for Denys Lasdun (in the period when their work was not very good, according to James) and has completed works locally.

James has an interest in renewable materials in sustainable construction, implicit knowledge analysis in architectural communication and relating project-specific information and professional knowledge.

Wednesday 16 May, 6pm Rm. D2.194
Deakin Geelong Waterfront Campus
Pizza and drinks are provided afterward in the A+B studio
Open to the public – all welcome, no need to rsvp just come along

Lectures are FREE for all


  • Wednesday 16th May
  • 1800hrs
  • Reflections
  • James Coulson
  • Percy Baxter Lecture Theatre, D2.194
  • Free, all welcome


Real Lecture Team


