Deakin Inclusive Teaching Toolkit

‘Inclusive education is everybody’s business’

Roger Slee (2011)

This toolkit has been designed to support your inclusive teaching practice. The Inclusive Education team, from Deakin’s Equity and Diversity division, have developed and sourced materials, resources and practical strategies that you can implement immediately into your approaches to teaching and learning.

You will find teaching tips, exemplars, and suggestions from videos and case studies that showcase good teaching practice by your colleagues at Deakin and staff from other universities, as well as the perspectives of Deakin students.

The Toolkit offers a range of up-to-date references with links to articles, websites, and multimedia content where you can go to find further information to support you in your teaching.

Each section takes a student-centred approach and incorporates Universal Design for Learning principles and strategies.

Inclusive Teaching Tips

This section offers a range of inclusive ideas, strategies, suggestions and practical examples to assist you in the various aspects of your teaching practice. It is designed to give you ‘just-in-time’ resources. We’ve talked to staff and students to find out what people want to know so that we can offer the most relevant and useful tips.

Dip into any topic that is of particular interest to you. Please do leave feedback by contacting the Inclusive Education team or use the ‘Submit a Comment’ box at the bottom of each topic page.

Through developing, enhancing and sustaining an inclusive teaching and learning culture, we are serving all our students in the best way possible.

Inclusive practice is not simply about teaching methods; it’s also about listening to what students have to say about the teaching they receive. Take a few moments to listen to some of our students.

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