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September 18, 2014

Deakin’s Chad Whelan recognised in Office for Learning and Teaching Citations

Chad Whelan

Yesterday the Minister for Education, The Hon. Christopher Pyne MP, announced the Australian Government’s Office for Learning and Teaching citations for outstanding contributions to student learning. Deakin criminology’s Dr Chad Whelan, received a citation for excellence and leadership in developing curricula and resources encompassing authentic and innovative learning environments that significantly enhance the learning and employability of criminology students.

Chad is a senior lecturer in criminology and Course Director for the Deakin Bachelor of Criminology as well as criminology combined degrees with Forensic Science, Information Technology (Security), Law and Psychological Science. Over the last two years Chad has been instrumental in driving the redevelopment and expansion of the criminology curriculum at Deakin. This has included expanding teaching to the Burwood and Waterfront campuses, and redesigning the curriculum to emphasise the employability of criminology graduates.

For more details on the Australian Awards for University Teaching, click here.


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